A favorite from today. The lion walked right up and said hello. Liam growled at him. :)
This poor bird had clearly been taunted by ill behaved children every single day of his life. He was rather hostile. In fact, he trapped me on one end of the sidewalk and Liam and the baby on the other side. Ha ha, I was shockingly terrified of this bird in which Liam said laughing, "Without it's feathers, it's a turkey." (I'm afraid of those too.)
Crazy...the three of us in a photo together :)
HOPPING WITH THE KANGAROO...One of his favorites :)
Chasing the kangaroos.
Mommy Bird, Daddy Bird, and a Little Liam Bird!
Mommy and Daddy lovebirds :)
Saying "hello" to the birds. We waved hello and Bye-Bye to ALL of the animals. Too cute.
Liam and Mommy.
Definitely a favorite. This poor old Gorilla looked like a grumpy old lady/Yoda.
We had quiet a few laughs. Too fun.