Saturday, April 17, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Day. :)

Liam woke up from his nap in an extremely good mood the other day and I couldn't help but take some photos of his "happy face" and fuzzy hair. :)

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Liam is 2!!!

I cannot believe my little turkey is already TWO! He is my my favorite little man and a blessing daily. A few months before his birthday I was continually asking him, "Liam, what kind of birthday party do you want?!" He at first replied, "aaa uuhhh snowman one?" I laughed on the inside, but was totally going to throw him a snowman party in early spring. Complete with snowcones and all. I figured I would ask him a couple more times to make sure and the next time he told me he wanted, "ann uuhh elephant one?" Haha I guess it turns out he gets his decision making skills from his Mommy. :) Anywho, after asking a few more times, he decided he wanted a Monkey party. He stuck to his answer this time, so a monkey party it was!

We had monkey decorations, tons of bananas, monkey pinata, monkey games, a perfect monkey cake (made by aunt Amber and uncle Andy) and banana splits. All of the makings to over sugar, over stimulate, and utterly exhaust a group of kids and their parents. :) It was a blast.

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The Birthday song is his favorite. :)

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This was a big change from last year when he wanted a fork to eat his smash cake with. :) It was hilarious, he had been trying to get his hands on that cake all day, so I guess when he got his chance, instead of his hands he chose his face. :)

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Pinata... :)

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Grandma and Pop Pop got Liam a fish for his Birthday. He as so ecited! He named it...dun dun dun..."Fishy Poop." :) Ha.

Grandma brought her present into the room...
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Playing outside...

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