Big sister to be...
Gift Time...
With guys and girls both being included, I decided to limit it to one game. It's where you throw three bottles around the circle like hot potato, when the music stops the people with the bottles in their hands have to drink it. The one who is the fastest wins. Wasn't sure how well it would go over, but surprisingly it was hilarious!...
My Grandma dodging baby bottles ( What a sport :) )
The kids all had fun playing on Ashlyn's "Park"
And a good time was had by all!
Those were hilarious photos of you all drinking from the bottles.
These are adorable, as always :) Little Liam's hair almost looks red in some of these! So cute!
Thanks for the good wishes for the wedding I'm shooting! I'm so excited and yet scared out of my mind! :) So I take it you've shot a few weddings? Are you doing any this summer?
Thanks Angela! Liam's hair is kind of strawberry blonde like his daddy's was when he was little. :)
As for weddings, my sister shoots professionally and I've gone to a couple of weddings as her second shooter. It's definitely a lot of fun, just make sure to give yourself as much time as possible and have fun! I'm sure you'll do great!
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