Monday, August 31, 2009


So, we've come to the conclusion that when our little man likes a food, he is extremely enthusiastic about eating it. A few of his favorites are Spiderman mac and cheese, grapes, bananas, and dinosaur chicken nuggets.
He had the chicken nuggets for the first time today and couldn't wait for them to get done cooking. "Dino-ah-or?" he asked every 10 seconds for the full 12 minutes they took to heat. We've tried giving him chicken nuggets before and had no success. These were even the all natural whole grain chicken nuggets, but he devoured them. He didn't care. He was stoked that he was eating a dinosaur. :)

A few photos of Liam eating ...

dino 03

dino 04

dino 01
He insisted that he use a big fork. :)

noodles 02

noodles 01


Sheila said...

Awesome, I should try to buy those and see if Mia will eat them! I find meat at the bottom of her preferences. I love the shot of him sleeping. What an angel!

Bethel 2U and Beyond said...

The one where he pursed his lips looks like his cousin! I think I have seen a pix of her doing the same! fun

Angela Watts said...

He has such amazing eyes! And you capture them perfectly :)