The shirt he is wearing is his absolute favorite. We saw it in the store, but chose to buy something else. When we got home, he kept asking for the airplane shirt. I figured what the hay, lets go back and buy it. So later on we went into Old Navy on a mission. When he saw it he yelled "Aee-rrr-pane!" and hugged it! He then proceeded to wave it in the air making airplane noises. Best $10.50 I've ever spent. :)
The second I pull out the camera he stops looking at me!
These shots are great. Guess who had to drink out of a "traw" after she saw pics of her cousin drinking chocolate milk! I mixed up a little hershey's syrup with some milk for her and she was a big fan... she loves looking at all the pictures of her cousin. She especially likes the video of him in the swing and asks to watch it over and over! Love you guys! sg
Awe. Little Liam loves Mia too!!! He sometimes asks to play with her. That, and when we look at the blog he says "mia mia, sheeah, sheeah" haha we are working on saying Jason :) Oh man we need to get them together! We love you guys too!!!
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